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Fishing in Trentino
Hotel alle Piramidi is a member of the Associazione Pescatori Dilettanti Trentini The Associazione Pescatori Dilettanti Trentini, with its almost 2000 members, is the largest association of amateur fishermen in the Province of Trento and manages fishing in the waters of central Trentino (the heart of Trentino), i.e. in the Adige River and the lower stretches of its tributaries, including the Avisio and Noce rivers.

La pesca nel Trentino

The waters of the A.P.D.T. are rich in Trout and Grayling, but there is no shortage of other complementary species such as Chub, Common Barbel and Pike. The fishing environment is typical of rivers and large streams on the valley floor.

The association also carries out other particularly qualifying activities such as the artificial reproduction of fish species at risk of extinction (marble trout), the renaturalisation of degraded river environments and the promotion of issues related to fishing, fish fauna management and environmental protection.

Among the other waters, many of which are worth a visit, are the many tributary streams of the Avisio (R. delle Seghe, R. Brusago, R. Regnana etc.) and the Adige (T. Vela, T. Arione, T. Valsorda), somewhat impervious, but rich in brown trout with splendid livery. In Val di Cembra there is also the small Lago Santo di Cembra, immersed in a fabulous beech forest and populated, among other things, by trout. Lastly, the Fossa di Caldaro flows in the upper Adige Valley and many small and medium-sized cyprinids are fished there, as well as respectable pike and carp.

To find alternative fishing grounds to those selected by us Click here

Fishing in Trentino

Lago di Terlago e Lamar
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Lago di Terlago e Lamarfishing trentino

Lago di Terlago e Lamar

The municipality of Terlago is the first one encountered on the way from Trento to the Valle dei Laghi. The name of the valley is not accidental. Curious glacial and postglacial geological phenomena have caused the formation, along this valley, of numerous medium and low altitude lakes, characterised,…
Torrente Fersina
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Torrente Fersinafishing trentino

Torrente Fersina

A left-hand tributary of the Adige, the Fersina has its source at Lake Erdemolo on the western edge of the Lagorai chain, flows through the Valle dei Mocheni, laps the Valsugana and, after a deep and spectacular gorge, crosses the city of Trento and flows into the Adige.…
Torrente Avisio
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Torrente Avisiofishing trentino

Torrente Avisio

A large left-hand tributary of the Adige, the Avisio originates from the Marmolada glacier, flows through the Fassa, Fiemme and Cembra valleys and flows into the Adige downstream of the town of Lavis, with its large dejection cone. The section under concession to the APDT goes from the…
Torrente Noce
torrente noce
Torrente Nocefishing trentino

Torrente Noce

The Noce, the largest right-hand tributary of the Adige, rises in the glaciers of the Ortles-Cevedale group, and after passing through the Val di Sole and Val di Non, it crosses the Piana Rotaliana and flows into the Adige near the village of Zambana. This last section, between…